15 Ucapan Selamat Natal Menyentuh Hati, Cocok Untuk Status WA Hingga Facebook

15 Ucapan Selamat Natal Menyentuh Hati, Cocok Untuk Status WA Hingga Facebook

Ilustrasi Selamat Natal 2022 (Merry Christmas).-id.theasianparent.com-

5. Renungi Natal tahun ini dengan kasih kepada sesama.

6. Natal telah tiba. Semoga sukacita menaungi kita. Merry Christmas!

7. Selamat Natal! Semoga terang Natal selalu menyertaimu, membawamu selalu bersukacita, damai, dan semakin beriman pada-Nya.

8. Tiada hari tanpa berkat, termasuk Natal yang kita rayakan hari ini. Selamat Natal, damai sejahtera menyelimutimu.

9. May the sights and sounds of Christmas work their merry magic in your heart.

10. May the spirit of Christmas be with you throughout the New Year.

11. Merry Christmas, always be happy!

12. I hope that next year, which is only a few days away, will be the beginning of our happiness. Merry Christmas!

13. Part of the spirit of Christmas is thinking about the special people who bless this world like you.

14. It's people like you that make Christmas a sacred, meaningful occasion. Merry Christmas!

15. There is no beautiful Christmas without the presence of love between us.

Demikian informasi 15 ucapan selamat Natal menyentuh hati untuk teman dan keluarga. 



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